Project Partners
Pogon’s programmes are mainly developed in partnership, either with Croatian or foreign partners and collaborators.
Pogon develops communication with its audience in various ways and involves the professional and wider community in its development projects. Thus, during the development and implementation of the project POGONIZACIJA – Social Game-Playing at Jedinstvo, we collaborated with the following organizations: Udruženje za razvoj kulture "URK", TALA, Galerija 90-60-90,, Savršeni krug, Confusion, Domino, Restart, Attack, UBU ŠPUD, Operacija:Grad, Kontejner | biro suvremene umjetničke prakse, Okus doma.
Each year there is a special programme at Pogon Jedinstvo aimed at inclusion and presentation of the works of students from the Department of Animated Film and New Media of the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb.
Pogon Residency began in 2009 with the young artists exchange programme in collaboration with the Akademie Schloss Solitude from Stuttgart and the Museum of Contemporary Art in Zagreb, and between 2015 and 2017 there was also a curators and artists exchange programme between Zagreb – Leipzig – Intercity / Switchcity implemented in collaboration with Goethe Institute Croatia.
Pogon is a member of the Upgrade Platform, and took part in the implementation of the project All for Pogon - Pogon for All! whose leader was Operacija grad, and beside Pogon, the partners were City of Zagreb and Kurziv - Platforma za pitanja kulture, medija i društva. Since 2021 Pogon implements the project NOVAci in collaboration with curatorial collective WHW.
European project CORNERS was implemented with the following partners: Intercult (Stockholm) as a project leader, Exodos (Ljubljana), Drugo more (Rijeka), City Culture Institute (Gdansk), Donostia / San Sebastian 2016 – European Capital of Culture, Arts Council of Northern Ireland (Belfast), ISIS Arts (Newcastle), Fond B92 / REX (Belgrade), DokuFest (Prizren) and Teatro Pubblico Pugliese (Bari).
European project RESHAPE Pogon implemented with another 18 partners from Europe and South Mediterranean: ACT Association (BG), Alt Art (RO), Artemrede (PT), Arts and Theatre Institute (CZ), British Council (UK), Bunker (SI), East European Performing Arts Platform (PL), Flanders Arts Institute (BE), Goethe Institute Barcelona (DE), Onassis Foundation (GR), Onda — French office for contemporary performing arts circulation (FR), Pro Helvetia (CH), Danish Arts Foundation (DK), Ettijahat (LB), EUNIC (BE), Fonds Podiumkunsten/Performing Arts Fund (NL), Frame Contemporary Art (FI) and Mondriaan Fund (NL).
Pogon is a part of the South Coallition, the network that implements a project Stornger Peripheries whose members are: Artemrede (PT), Pergine spettacolo aperto (IT), Cluj Cultural Centre (RO), Bunker (SI), Transversal, Xarxa d'activitats culturals (ES), Pro Progressione (HU), Cooperativa Teatro di Sardegna (IT), Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (PT), Universitat de Barcelona (ES), Fakultet dramskih umetnosti (RS), L'arboreto (IT), Réseau en scène Languedoc-Roussillon (FR), PCAI Awareness Raising (GR).
In the project The Melting Pot that is implemented in the framework of the Erasmus+ programme, Pogon takes part together with the partners: Nacionalna asocijacija praktičara/ki omladinskog rada (NAPOR), Mreža mladih Hrvatske, Sojuz za omladinska rabota Skopje, Galerija Matice Srpske and Opštinsko ustanovu muzej na grad Negotino.
REG:LAB, the project conducted by the network of organisations from six countries from Southeast Europe has Kooperativom – Regionalnom platformom za kulturu as a lead partner and other partners are: Anibar (Kosovo), Društvo Asociacija (Slovenija), NKSS from (Srbija), Jadro Association | Јадро Асоцијација | Jadro Asociacioni (Sjeverna Makedonija), Operacija grad (Hrvatska) i OKC Abrašević (Bosna i Hercegovina), and Pogon is taking part as well.
Project Culturavitus Pogon implemented with Cultural Center Bemowskie from Varšave and the assocciation Renovar a Mouraria from Lisbon.