Dora Kokolj and Anja Pletikosa: Mistake Market 2.019

Dora Kokolj and Anja Pletikosa: Mistake Market 2.019

After entering the “making mistakes“ phase in 2016 together with a number of collaborators from the world of performing arts, the dancer and choreographer Dora Kokolj and playwright Anja Pletikosa happily go back to mistakes.

This time they came up with a five-day workshop in Pogon Jedinstvo for interested students and young professionals, at which they will, by employing philosophical discussions and non-philosophical precautions, approach the notion of mistake and the way it can be represented through dance and theatre. What is a mistake in movement, and what is a mistake in a story? Can a mistake be undone? What consequences do mistakes have on the ones who make them frequently, consciously or unconsciously? The workshop participants will have the opportunity to recall some of the biggest mistakes in history and explore how to treat them theatrically. The number of participants is limited. Please send your applications to by 1 September 2019.

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