The Melting Pot

The Melting Pot

Pogon is a partner in the new Erasmus+ project “The Melting Pot” which brings together youth organizations and cultural institutions from Croatia, Serbia and North Macedonia.

The three networks of youth organizations participate in the project: the National Association of Youth Workers (NAPOR), Croatian Youth Network and Union for Youth Work Skopje, and three cultural institutions: Pogon - Zagreb Centre for Independent Culture and Youth, Gallery of Matica Srpska and Municipal Institution Museum of the City of Negotino, with the aim to bring cultural institutions closer to young people through education programmes and include young people into the work of cultural institutions. The project aims to develop methods and tools for youth work within cultural institutions and to establish wider intersectoral cooperation, both in Croatia and the region. The objectives of the partnership are to increase the visibility and recognize youth work in cultural institutions and in general at local, national, regional and European levels, and to improve the quality of youth work within cultural institutions by creating creative and innovative methods of integrating young people into the programmes of cultural institutions.

The project is co-financed by the Erasmus+ programme.

In order to improve the quality of youth work in the programmes accompanying te art programmes held in Pogon - Zagreb Centre for Independent Culture and Youth, with the support of the Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes, the associate Ida Jagar attended the training “The Power of Non-Formal Education” held in Santaremo, Portugal from 8 to 13 April. As part of the training, she gained concrete knowledge on the organisation of youth work in the accompanying educational programmes, the tools needed to improve communication with young people, and knowledge about specific activities that have been applied in the implementation and sessions with young people within the Erasmus+ project “The Melting Pot”. The knowledge and skills acquired in the training will help the organization in the development of further potential collaborations and programmes for more active involvement of young people in line with the possibilities.